Breckenridge Bitter 750ml is a meticulously crafted herbal liqueur, inspired by classic Italian aperitifs but with a bold American twist. This unique bitter combines a complex blend of roots, herbs, and spices balanced with vibrant citrus notes, making it an ideal companion for cocktail enthusiasts and mixologists alike. Its rich, layered profile adds depth to a variety of cocktails, from Negronis to spritzes, and it’s perfect for sipping neat or over ice.
Discover the versatility of Breckenridge Bitter and elevate your cocktail experience at home. Available for whiskey online purchase and whiskey home delivery through Folsom Wine & Spirits, this artisanal bitter offers a modern take on a timeless classic, crafted with care in the heart of the Rocky Mountains. Add this exceptional bottle to your collection today and bring a touch of sophisticated flavor to your next gathering.