Breckenridge PX Cask Finish Bourbon Whiskey 750ml is an exquisite bourbon whiskey crafted for those who appreciate depth and complexity. This remarkable expression begins with Breckenridge’s award-winning high-rye bourbon, aged to maturity in American oak barrels. It is then finished in Pedro Ximénez (PX) sherry casks, which impart a rich, luscious sweetness and depth unique to this style. The PX Cask Finish brings forth notes of dark fruit, fig, and raisin layered with the bourbon’s natural flavors of caramel, vanilla, and a hint of spice, resulting in a velvety, well-rounded tasting experience.
Ideal for bourbon collectors and refined whiskey enthusiasts, this PX Cask Finish is a sophisticated addition to any home bar. Available for whiskey online purchase and bourbon home delivery through Folsom Wine & Spirits, Breckenridge PX Cask Finish Bourbon Whiskey is perfect for sipping neat or enjoying with friends. Add this rare, flavorful bourbon to your collection and experience the harmony of sherry-cask influence with classic bourbon character.