Breckenridge Spiced Rum 750ml is a bold, aromatic rum that brings the spirit of the Rocky Mountains into every sip. This handcrafted spiced rum is distilled with care and infused with a proprietary blend of spices, delivering rich notes of vanilla, cinnamon, nutmeg, and a touch of clove. Smooth and well-balanced, Breckenridge Spiced Rum is perfect for creating elevated cocktails or enjoying on its own over ice, offering a warming experience that’s ideal for any season.
Whether you’re a rum connoisseur or exploring spiced rum for the first time, this bottle is a standout choice. Available for rum online purchase and rum home delivery through Folsom Wine & Spirits, Breckenridge Spiced Rum is an exciting addition to any home bar. Order today to enjoy the inviting flavors of this expertly crafted spiced rum.