*Comes with wooden box
The 2000 Chateau Latour 750ml is an iconic Bordeaux wine, known for its rich history and exceptional quality. As one of the most revered wines from the famed Chateau Latour, it offers a deep, complex flavor profile with notes of dark fruit, tobacco, and a subtle hint of oak. This full-bodied wine is perfect for collectors and wine enthusiasts seeking a vintage that has aged gracefully, with the potential for further maturation.
At Folsom Wine & Spirits, we are proud to offer the 2000 Chateau Latour 750ml as part of our exclusive selection. Whether you are celebrating a special occasion or searching for a luxurious gift, this wine is a perfect choice. Its elegance and depth make it an extraordinary addition to any wine collection.
Experience the convenience of purchasing this rare vintage through our Wine Online Purchase service, and enjoy Wine Home Delivery straight to your door. Folsom Wine & Spirits ensures a seamless and secure shopping experience for all your wine needs.
Buy 2000 Chateau Latour Now!