Breckenridge Buddy Pass Imperial Stout Cask Finish Bourbon Whiskey 750ml is an innovative, full-bodied bourbon whiskey that combines Breckenridge’s award-winning craftsmanship with the rich, dark allure of imperial stout cask finishing. This unique expression begins with Breckenridge's high-rye bourbon, which is aged to perfection before being finished in casks that once held bold imperial stout. The result is a bourbon with deep, complex flavors, intertwining notes of roasted coffee, dark chocolate, caramel, and a subtle hint of malty sweetness.
Perfect for bourbon enthusiasts and collectors, Buddy Pass offers a rare taste experience that's ideal for sipping neat, on the rocks, or as a striking base in premium cocktails. Order this exceptional bourbon whiskey online at Folsom Wine & Spirits, and enjoy the convenience of bourbon home delivery straight to your door. Elevate your home bar with Breckenridge Buddy Pass Imperial Stout Cask Finish and savor a rich twist on classic bourbon.