Godawan, the world's first luxury single malt whisky from Rajasthan, India, has been attracting significant attention since its launch earlier this year. Diageo India is now set to introduce this exceptional whisky to international markets with the unveiling of Godawan in Dubai. Following its successful debut in Jaipur, India, Diageo aims to bring Rajasthani tradition and culture to the world through this distinctive whisky.
The brand honors the people of Rajasthan, renowned for their skill in creating beautiful and durable products from limited resources
The brand honors the people of Rajasthan, renowned for their skill in creating beautiful and durable products from limited resources
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Best in the industry packaging with utmost care for the bottles and eco-friendly materials
We guarantee authenticity of all items purchased
Your payment is completely secure
We ship all orders within 1-3 business days
Best in the industry packaging with utmost care for the bottles and eco-friendly materials
We guarantee authenticity of all items purchased